AgileDotNetLicense Members

SecureTeam Copy Protection

AgileDotNetLicense Members

Represents a license containning all required information to authorize the use of a component or an application.


AgileDotNetLicense Initializes a new instance of the AgileDotNetLicense class.


IsTrial Returns true if the license contains a TrialLock.
LicenseKey Gets the license key granted to this component.
Location Returns the path to the file where the license was originally loaded from.
Locks Returns a collection of locks. Each lock represents a license limitation to enforce on the license.
Version Returns the license version.


AsString Returns a string that represents the license content.
Dispose Disposes of the resources used by the license.
Equalsinherited from Object.
Finalizeinherited from Object.
GetHashCodeinherited from Object.
GetLocks<T> Gets a lock of a given type.
GetTypeinherited from Object.
MemberwiseCloneinherited from Object.
SaveOverloaded. Stores the content of the license.
ToStringinherited from Object.


LicenseFeatureLost Fired when the connection to the network license service is lost. Subscribe to this event to ensure license previously authorized is retained by the license service, in the event that the license is revoked you should consider exiting the application or trying to claim the license back to the client application by calling Checkout.

See Also

AgileDotNetLicense Class | AgileDotNet.Licensing Namespace | Locks